Melania Trump's official portrait as the returning First Lady has sparked speculation about her intentions for this term. The black and white photograph, a departure from the colorful portraits of previous First Ladies, could signify grief, tradition, or a desire to be viewed independently.
Her stance, with legs crossed under the table and a "Lean In" lean, evokes both power and femininity. The soft-wave hair, a popular style among Republican women, is both feminine and modern. Her sphinx-like smile is more guarded and ambiguous than in her 2017 portrait.
The duties of the First Lady are nebulous, with an expectation to embody American womanhood. Melania Trump's recent ventures into cryptocurrency, a documentary, and now a desk job suggest she may be stepping out of the shadows this time.
The most telling clue, however, may be the Washington Monument behind her. This symbol of American power, rather than democracy, could reflect Melania Trump's own ambitions for this term.
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