Capacity: 0 | Available: 0
Daily Tribute
auto-apply & buy
Items, total:
Lets you stay in the game for one day
Extra Plus
Items, total:
Enables you to give a plus above the daily limit
Twei +50%
30 min if applied
Items, total:
Increases the amount of Twei being earned by 50% within 30 minutes
XP Doubler
1 hour if applied
Items, total:
Doubles the amount of XP you earn within one hour
Reading Booster
1 hour if applied
Items, total:
For 1 hour, speeds up the activation of the Plus button by 9 times
Extra Minus
Items, total:
Enables you to send a minus above the daily limit
Extra Like
Items, total:
Enables you to like a comment above the daily limit
Extra Dislike
Items, total:
Enables you to dislike a comment above the daily limit
1 day if applied
Items, total:
For one day, swaps the places of the reader and the author in the reward formula
Day Off
1 next day
Items, total:
Freezes your expenses and income all through the next day