Stephanie Fam, one of the interviewers, began by apologizing to Gomez for asking a sensitive question. She admitted that she used to be a "hater" of the radio DJ.
"I didn't think you deserved to be in Singapore Idol in the first place," Fam said. "At least I didn't think you deserved to get as far as you did."
She then asked Gomez how he managed to deal with the hate during that time. Gomez replied stoically, "I would have hated myself on Singapore Idol as well."
"How can the better singers be eliminated and not this Joakim Gomez guy who is so terrible?" Gomez asked.
He went on to credit his close friends and family who cheered him up during a time when he was "very angry" and "felt the entire world was against [him]".
Gomez, however, refused to "victimize himself" and in addition to his support system, added that "therapy [was] always available".
This wasn't the only time in the episode where Gomez was made to answer questions about his Idol days.
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