Climate Change

Tailoring Protection for Sustainable Development and Efficient Resource Utilization

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China Implements Zone-Specific Environmental Management System

priority protection, key control, and general control. Each zone has a customized blacklist outlining prohibited project introductions, ensuring that development aligns with environmental goals.

As of now, over 4,400 zones have been designated with detailed environmental regulations. The Ministry of Ecology and Environment is actively promoting the construction of an information platform for the system, sharing best practices to encourage its adoption. Additionally, the platform is being integrated with ocean and groundwater management systems to facilitate information exchange and enhance environmental assessment work.

The ministry has collected 223 exemplary cases demonstrating the successful implementation of the zone-specific system. Plans are underway to collect more cases and increase their visibility, further promoting the system's adoption.

This initiative aligns with guidelines issued by the Communist Party of China Central Committee and the State Council in March 2024, emphasizing the importance of region-specific environmental management and enforcing red lines for ecosystem protection, environmental quality, and resource utilization. The goal is to establish a fully functional and efficient zone-specific environmental management system by 2035.

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May 21, 2023 | 05:09