In a devastating event in Purwal village, a three-year-old boy, Raj Kumar, lost his life to a man-eating leopard that ambushed him while he was playing outdoors with his cousins. The attack took place around 5 PM when Raj stepped outside and ventured behind the house, unaware of the danger lurking nearby.
The Bhilangana Range Officer of the Tehri Forest Division, Ashish Nautiyal, along with the village head, Sanjay Tiwari, reported that the leopard seized the child and dragged him away. When Raj’s mother, Manju Devi, realized he was missing, she began searching for him, and soon neighbors joined the effort, but he could not be located.
As the search continued, someone discovered blood stains leading away from the home. This discovery prompted a deeper investigation, ultimately leading to the gruesome finding of the child's mutilated body hidden in the bushes.
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