Rebecca Cheptegei, a renowned Ugandan marathon runner, passed away after suffering intense burns that covered 80% of her body, an injury sustained during a violent incident with her boyfriend in Kenya. The 33-year-old athlete had been receiving treatment for four days at a hospital before her death due to organ failure, which occurred shortly after an altercation with her boyfriend, Dickson Ndiema, who reportedly poured gasoline on her and ignited it.
Eyewitnesses reported that the couple was engaged in a heated dispute outside their home when the assault took place. Neighbors alerted authorities after they heard shouting and saw flames, resulting in both Cheptegei and Ndiema being rushed to Moi Teaching and Referral Hospital for treatment.
The Ugandan Olympic Committee expressed their sorrow over the incident, condemning the act of violence against women as cowardly and a significant loss for the sports community. They urged law enforcement to act promptly against Ndiema, emphasizing the need for justice in light of the growing prevalence of domestic violence, especially given that two other prominent Kenyan athletes had been murdered in similar circumstances in recent years. A report revealed that a significant percentage of women in Kenya have experienced physical violence, with married women particularly vulnerable.
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