Bhim Sen Kohli, an elderly dog walker, tragically passed away due to a neck injury sustained during an assault at Franklin Park in Braunstone Town, near Leicester. The disturbing incident occurred on Sunday night and has left the community reeling with grief, especially as Mr. Kohli was found under a tree by his daughter. In response to the attack, Leicestershire Police have launched a murder investigation and apprehended five minors, although four of them have since been released without charges, leaving only a 14-year-old boy in custody.
A post-mortem examination has determined that Mr. Kohli's death resulted from the neck injury, with additional tests pending. Witnesses reported that the attack took place near the entrance of the park, and a group of young individuals fled before emergency responders could arrive. A neighbor described Mr. Kohli as gentle and kind, highlighting the unfortunate trend of rising antisocial behavior in the area, which has led her to avoid the park.
Mr. Kohli's daughter noted the prevalent antisocial behavior, mentioning that her father had previously communicated concerns to the police. In light of the incident and prior interactions with the victim, Leicestershire Police have referred the case to the Independent Office of Police Conduct for review. Detective Inspector Emma Matts expressed condolences to Mr. Kohli's family and reassured the community that the investigation remains active, urging anyone with pertinent information to come forward.
The community is mourning the loss of Mr. Kohli, known for his kindness and connection to his dog, Rocky. Friends and neighbors have shared tributes on social media, reflecting on his gentle nature and the profound impact he had on those around him. Local leaders have called for solidarity as they come to terms with this tragic event, emphasizing the importance of supporting one another during challenging times.
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