A heartbreaking event occurred on Labor Day when a two-year-old boy was killed after being hit by a suspected drunk driver in Tavares, Florida. The toddler was riding his tricycle outside his home with his siblings under their parents' supervision when a Toyota Tacoma sped into the cul-de-sac. Despite the parents' attempts to alert the driver to slow down, their worst fears materialized as the vehicle struck their child, who was subsequently dragged a short distance by the truck's front tire.
First responders arrived quickly after neighbors attempted to perform CPR on the boy. Tragically, he was transported to a local hospital but succumbed to his injuries. Police arrested 19-year-old Joshua Montero at the scene, who was found to display signs of intoxication, including a strong smell of alcohol and bloodshot eyes.
Though Montero's breathalyzer results were below the legal limit for adults, investigators noted that significant time elapsed between the accident and the testing. He is currently being held at Lake County Jail without bond and is scheduled for a court appearance later this month. This incident has drawn attention to the issue of impaired driving, especially after Mothers Against Drunk Driving highlighted concerns about an increase in such collisions during the holiday weekend.
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