Jimmy Kimmel made a notable comeback to his late-night show on Tuesday, after a two-month break filled with various political dramas. He focused on the summer's presidential race, particularly what he described as Donald Trump's significant blunder in selecting JD Vance as his running mate, jesting that Trump has never excelled at choosing partners for his political campaigns.
Kimmel humorously highlighted Vance's alleged lack of understanding of women's issues, referencing rumors about Vance wearing eyeliner. The comedian mocked the Ohio senator's public persona, suggesting he looked like an odd creation designed by AI. Vance has been in the spotlight for his controversial remarks regarding women, including claims that professional women lead lives of "misery" when prioritizing careers over children.
The comedian contrasted Vance with Tim Walz, the Democratic vice presidential choice, praising the latter's appeal while poking fun at Vance's demeanor, implying he lacks social engagement. Kimmel speculated that if Trump loses the upcoming election, he might even blame his son Donald Trump Jr. for Vance's selection.
Shifting gears, Kimmel addressed how the Democratic Party seems revitalized following President Joe Biden's exit from the 2024 race after a challenging debate performance against Trump. He reflected on the awkwardness of Biden's responses during the debate, describing the experience as a mix of a nightmare and hospice care.
Earlier in the episode, Kimmel engaged with the audience through a quiz about current events, pointing out peculiar merchandise like "assassination edition sneakers" created by a Trump-owned company. The sneakers are stylish with a disturbing logo celebrating a violent moment in Trump's life, coupled with an insistent battle cry printed on them.
Kimmel moved on to discuss Trump’s latest trading cards, showcasing a more whimsical side to the former president's ventures. He wrapped up the segment by revisiting some of Trump's most outrageous statements made during the summer, including bizarre comments about Kamala Harris and overly ambitious claims regarding audience sizes at his events.
This episode marked Kimmel’s first since his youngest son, Billy, underwent a significant heart surgery, which added a personal touch to his return.
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