The tragic incident unfolded at KK Women's and Children's Hospital, a renowned medical institution in Singapore, where the lifeless body of the eight-month-old infant was brought in the early hours of Monday morning. The police, upon receiving the alert, swiftly initiated an investigation into the circumstances surrounding the child's death.
The investigation led to the apprehension of a 21-year-old woman and a 25-year-old man, both believed to be the parents of the deceased child. The couple is now facing serious charges related to the death of their young son.
The charges against the woman and man stem from Singapore's laws on causing and allowing the death of a child below 14 years of age in the same household. These offenses carry severe penalties, including imprisonment for up to 20 years, fines, and even caning.
As the legal proceedings commence, the community grapples with the profound loss of the young life and the gravity of the allegations against the parents. The authorities continue their investigation to uncover the full truth behind this heartbreaking tragedy.
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