Shelley Matheson, a three-time Paralympic medalist in wheelchair basketball, had retired after having two children. However, an opportunity to play in the Women's National Wheelchair Basketball League in 2023 reignited her passion for the sport. She and her best friend, Bridie Kean, signed up for the Gliders development program and returned to the court for Australia in January 2024 for the Asian Oceanic Championships.
Despite their best efforts, the Gliders failed to qualify for the Paralympics in Paris, losing to the more experienced Japanese team. Matheson attributed this loss to a lack of funding for the women's program in Australia.
In June 2024, the federal government announced a record $54.9 million in funding for Paralympic sport, which Paralympics Australia president Alison Creagh said was essential to regain Australia's competitive edge.
Matheson, now 39, is unsure about her future participation in the Gliders program but remains a valuable asset to the team with her experience and skills.
Laura Davoli, an up-and-coming player who was first selected for the national women's team in 2023, also expressed disappointment at not qualifying for the Paralympics. However, she is looking forward to the future and the opportunities to compete in the 2026 World Championships, the 2028 Los Angeles Paralympics, and the 2032 Brisbane Paralympics.
Both Matheson and Davoli emphasized the importance of the community and support they receive from their teammates, which fuels their drive to continue competing.
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