Natural Disasters

Mudslide in Yongxing County Claims Three Lives, Including Village Official

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Tragedy Strikes in Yongxing County

Torrential rain brought devastation to Yongxing county in Hunan province, claiming the lives of three individuals. The victims, a village official named Zheng and two other villagers, were tragically swept away by a mudslide triggered by the heavy downpour.

The disaster unfolded on Saturday morning in Dongkeng village. The relentless rain caused widespread flooding, blocking roads and cutting off power. Concerned for the well-being of their fellow villagers, Zheng and the two others ventured into the mountains to check on them.

Tragically, the trio went missing around 11 am. Search and rescue efforts were immediately launched, but it wasn't until Monday morning that their bodies were found. A preliminary investigation revealed that a sudden mudslide had washed them away, leaving no chance for survival.

The loss of these three individuals has cast a shadow over Yongxing county. Their sacrifice serves as a stark reminder of the dangers posed by extreme weather events and the importance of prioritizing safety during such times.

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May 21, 2023 | 05:09