In a devastating turn of events in Pasadena, California, a car accident occurred in the early hours of May 11, claiming the lives of three individuals and leaving three others with serious injuries. The Pasadena Police Department revealed that the incident involved a Tesla sedan carrying six passengers, all aged between 17 and 22, traveling at a dangerously high speed of over twice the designated limit of 35 mph.
According to reports from the Los Angeles Times, the fatal crash unfolded after the driver of the Tesla failed to negotiate a slight curve and consequently ran a red light, which led to the vehicle striking a curb and ultimately ejecting three passengers from the back seat. The aftermath of the collision saw the car careening into a power pole before crashing through a wall of an unoccupied building nearby, resulting in significant damage and loss of life. Although early suspicions pointed towards alcohol possibly playing a role in the crash, investigations are ongoing to determine if the driver was indeed impaired.
As authorities grappled with the aftermath, Lisa Derderian, a spokesperson for the city of Pasadena, highlighted the impact of the collision on the community, noting that over 500 homes and businesses were left without power following the tragic events. The restoration efforts to reconnect electricity to the affected residents underscored the ripple effects of such a catastrophic incident on the local area, leaving many grappling with the consequences of the fatal crash in Pasadena.
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