The Ministry of National Defence in Taiwan has raised alarms over a surge in activity by the People's Liberation Army (PLA) of China near the island nation, leading to increased tensions in the region. A total of 45 PLA aircraft and 6 vessels belonging to China's People's Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) were identified as operating near Taiwan, with 26 aircraft breaching Taiwan's Air Defense Identification Zone by crossing the median line into the northern and southwestern sectors of Taiwan's airspace.
In response to this heightened activity, Taiwan's Republic of China Armed Forces (ROCArmedForces) have been closely monitoring the situation and taking necessary measures to ensure national security. The recent developments have come against the backdrop of escalating tensions between Taiwan and China, where Beijing asserts sovereignty over Taiwan as a renegade province while Taiwan maintains its independence and democratic governance.
Since September 2020, China has been increasingly utilizing grey zone tactics by gradually stepping up the presence of military aircraft and naval vessels near Taiwan. The strategic use of grey zone tactics aims to achieve security objectives without resorting to direct and substantial use of force. The MND in Taiwan has been providing daily reports on Chinese military activities, including incidents where Chinese aircraft, drones, and balloons have crossed the Taiwan Strait median line into Taiwan's side.
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