Coal is expected to remain the foundation of India's energy system for the next two decades. However, achieving net-zero emissions by 2070 requires proactive policies on critical minerals and a significant increase in nuclear power and renewable energy generation.
The report emphasizes that decarbonizing the electricity sector is crucial for achieving net-zero energy systems. India's emissions are projected to range between 0.56 and 1.0 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide in 2070. The remaining emissions gap is expected to be offset by forestry and tree cover sequestration.
Clean and affordable electricity can be achieved through net-zero pathways, particularly with a focus on nuclear and renewable power. Widespread electrification of end-use sectors is also essential, with electricity's share in Total Final Electricity Consumption projected to increase to 47-52%, compared to the current 18%.
The report highlights the need for multiple pathways and technologies to achieve net-zero. Coal is expected to continue playing a significant role in the Indian energy system, but its phase-down will require active policies on critical minerals.
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